Teeny-weeny January book haul

One of my New Year's resolutions was to start reading more and I am so down for it! When I was in elementary-middle school, I used to read a lot, but then high school began all the books were replaced with the internet and homework. I could only find time to read non-school literature during summer break, which is a shame. This time I started reading for my pleasure not in the summer, but on this winter break (I've already read 2 books by now!). I was inspired to start reading again by a Lithuanian youtuber Ieva Maslauskaitė (Chanelette). She is so fascinating and so inspiring I recommend checking her out if you haven't already! Anyways, back to the point, just before the holidays I went to a bookstore, and I won't lie, I spend more time in a bookstore than in any other store (sorry makeup), I just can't choose among all the amazing books that exist! So many books, so little time..

I am so pumped to read "Spintologija" by Agnė Gilytė. It's a Lithuanian author's book about fashion which is extolled by all the fashionistas in Lithuania so I really want to know what is so special about this book and maybe learn some fashion tricks from it and then share them with you hm? Another book is a legend - "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. I have read the reviews and did not find even a single one negative. By the way, I bought this book in English because I want to improve my English skills, but also to try to read a book in its original language. I really hope I will understand the main idea of the book even though I won't be reading it in my mother language (fingers crossed)! And the last book that I actually bought from the internet also in English is "Looking For Alaska" by John Green. I know how much John Green is beloved by all the teen-young adult generation so I really wanted to read one of his bestsellers!
That's it, as I said, it's a very small book haul, but I hope there will be more of these in the future. I hope you are excited for my reviews on these books! And guys please leave me in the comments down bellow some of your favorite book names so I could check them out!

I hope you are having an amazing day/night and I wish you all the best! xx


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