
How to ACTUALLY achieve your fitness goals in 2020

12:00 / BY Violeta Lyskoit
It’s almost that time of the year again. Feeling all enthusiastic and empowered to beat the crap out of your fitness goals in 2020. But suddenly you realize, that you did not check a single thing off your to-do list for 2019. It’s not even the middle of January and you already feel disappointed with the lack of progress regarding your health after reflecting upon the past year. The dial between your toes is bigger...

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Trying Intermittent Fasting for 1 Month | Results & Will I Continue?

12:00 / BY Violeta Lyskoit
In my recent Instagram post I mentioned that I am doing something very exciting throughout the month of February (well at least exciting for me!). Now when February is finally over and it's officially Spring I'm buzzing to share my experience doing intermittent fasting for a month! Not gonna lie, I did have days when I messed up and cheated on my diet and ate anything I could find in my cupboard. I'm not proud...

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How to make better decisions in 2019

00:00 / BY Violeta Lyskoit
I'm not even kidding, 2018 just flew by! It's actually terrifying how fast the time goes. Bring it on 2019, let's see what you have in store! By the way, I'm very very excited to announce that I finally got my MacBook fixed, which means I can finally take it with me anywhere I go so you are more than welcome to leave any cute and cozy cafe suggestions in Newcastle in the comments section down...

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New start.

20:00 / BY Violeta Lyskoit
hey! Wow, long time no see guys! But there's a solid reason for that... I moved abroad to study Media & Journalism! Some of you might probably know that I grew up in a small country beautifully called Lithuania. The shocking thing is that a decision to move countries was a very spontaneous one. All my friends knew that right after my High School graduation I enrolled to study Genetics course at Vilnius University. But...

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Starting my fitness journey | background, motivation, goals

13:48 / BY Violeta Lyskoit
hey! Sooo.. it has been 5 months since I joined the gym. Not a long period of time to be writing about my 'fitness journey' because it has only been 5 months duuh, but still, it's a beginning of my fitness journey and I wanted to share it with you. • background • What I have to admit is that I used to HATE any kind of exercise. For a really long time I struggled with...

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ZAFUL try-on haul/review

16:09 / BY Violeta Lyskoit
❤ Hello! I am so excited to share with you some pieces I've just received in the mail! I've been very kindly asked to review a few pieces of clothing from Zaful and I just couldn't say no. Free and cute clothing? Yes, please! I picked 3 of their pieces which are perfect for this hot summer weather situation going on currently here in Lithuania. I'VE BEEN DYING TO RECEIVE THIS PARCEL. I've ordered some...

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about kindness positivity & new beginnings | ...

15:18 / BY Violeta Lyskoit
Hey there! To be honest, I never thought that on my blog I would ever come up with a topic like this, but I am actually glad this finally happened and I wanted to share my thoughts with whoever is reading this. First of all, let me say happy New Year to every single one of you! Sending you my blessings, hope you have a good one. It's the month of February already and January...

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#yeschallenge | Mark by AVON

15:42 / BY Violeta Lyskoit
Labas! BE GALO keista rašyti lietuviškai, tačiau kadangi konkursas, kuriame dalyvauju, yra aktualus būtent lietuvaitėms, tai nusprendžiau šį kartą rašyti lietuviškai. Tai papasakosiu plačiau apie patį iššūkį. Visai neseniai buvau pakviesta dalyvauti #yeschallenge iššūkyje tinklaraštininkėms, kurį rengia kosmetikos kompanija Avon.  Avon neseniai pristatė naujus matinius ir blizgius lūpų lakus iš Mark, kurių iš viso net 20! Ta proga, Lietuvos, Latvijos ir Estijos tinklaraštininkės buvo pakviestos sukurti makiažą su kosmetika Mark. Tinklaraščių įrašai vėliau bus patalpinti Avon...

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